Money Saving Tip, Wisconsin Commercial Real Estate
I like to pass on money saving tips, given that we are in the commercial real estate business that is an important factor these days.
I list on as many sites as possible. I do this to increase exposure of my listings, and to help search engines. With more listings, comes more links, and more "google juice", making your listings easy to find. There are a host of listing sites out there, but I have found many of the sites are not found by search engines. Here is an easy test. Enter the address of one of your lisings in Google. 123 Anywhere Drive, Mytown, NY
Is the listing found. Often it is not. LoopNet has done a good job of this (being found by search engines), but they are very expensive, and were just bought by CoStar, so their costs will not go down in all likelyhood.
I list mainly in Wisconsin. Wisconsin BrokerNET lists commercial real estate in Wisconsin only, with links to key sites that pertain to my business. It has links to all the economic development groups around the state, news links, listings, a free profile for agents and brokers and that includes a free link. Heck, many sites charge $50 per year for just a simple link. I checked their structure and Wisconsin BrokerNET appears to be built for SEO (search engine optimization). With the focus on Wisconsin they can put up links to Wisconsin specific content, which will further help SEO efforts. With no fees, there is no risk, and the only thing you have into it is your time in setting up the site and your listings.
Check it out at