Thursday, March 05, 2009

Keep CEO's (and other rich guys) out of Jail

OK, I admit, the headline is one that is not that popular, so bear with me.

I won't bore you with the long list of rich guys who are in jail, and let's include the politicians as well. I have an alternative that would not only save the taxpayers some money, but also help revitalize neighborhoods.

Instead of jail sentences handed out to what are pretty much "nonviolent offenders", let's give them a choice. They either go to jail, or purchase a home in a target neighborhood, one that is in obvious need of improvement. Keep them under house arrest, only allowing them to shop for essentials, and walk the neighborhood. If they improve their house, have them make a similar improvement to another house in the neighborhood.

My belief is that many people have lost sight of what conditions others live under. While they give out bonus like candy at an Easter Egg Hunt, others live in poverty. Some do OK, some don't. With jail, we pay for their mistakes as well. With my concept, they help improve the neighborhood, maybe bring attention to an area that needs it, and they might gain insight into the issues facing many others, not in their "class". They may also realize that one can live quite comfortably on a modest income, and not need $1,000,000 bonuses to make ends meet.

There are a lot of "broken people" in the world, and the list of problems facing families and poor neighborhoods is immense. We can't fix them all. But in a small way, having convicted CEO's, politicians, and investment crooks live in a poor neighborhood might just help, just a little bit.
