What I learned from "crappy" jobs....
It seems that few people want to do the "dirty" work today. Teenagers shun the once popular jobs, like Paperboy, burger flipper, McDonald's worker, factory work, etc. I did all of these jobs. I must admit, I learned more doing these jobs than I did in the classroom. Here are just a few things that I picked up along the way, as a Paperboy
- I learned that people treasure their money and won't give up 40 cents a week easily. But if you prove to them you do a good job everyday, and you are a person they like to deal with, they will gladly give up.
- There are people out there who have little contact with the world, so many that a young 10 year old saw it daily. A young kid, with just a few minutes of time can have a big impact on a person's day. They might not see their kids for months (or years), but they saw me everyday.
- The difference between a good job and a poor one is about 10 to 15 seconds.
- I remember a lot of the people on my paper route, I remember few from my first job after college.
- It is amazing how many people have their day upset, if their paper does not come on time.
- The mantra of "The customer is always right" rings hallow sometimes. At times there are quite a number of just outright nasty people out there. Get used it and learn to appreciate the good ones of the world.
- An ice cold soda never tasted better than after finishing up the route on a hot day. Never has tasted better.
- People with little money often tip better than those better off.
- People with little money seemed to have the best stories to tell and always wanted to share them with you.
- Many have a story to tell, and they often want to tell it to you when you were collecting that 40 cents a week.