Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Characteristics of the People at the Top

Organizations take on the characteristics of the people at the top. A successful company usually has a highly effective individual running the company, no rocket science here. They like their work, they like the people that work there, and they are open to new ideas.

There is one trait that I see in highly successful individuals that trumps them all. They pick up the phone and use it. Write that down. If you want to be successful, pick up the phone. Call people back when you miss them. Pick up the phone and answer it once in a while, instead of the acting like royalty and having an Admin. Person answer it (formerly known as secretaries).

Highly successful people are not afraid to talk to others. On the contrary, they want to talk to people both inside and outside the company. Sure, they usually have some road blocks to get to them. On average, a top executive receives 10-20 calls a day (at least) from sales people, selling everything from phone systems to paper.

Stepping back, the people who answer the phone for Executives, are also personable. They will point you in the right direction, answer questions, and in general are quite helpful.

While on the subject of phones, I might suggest that Executives themselves start checking their customer service phone support – now usually the main connection to customers. They would be horrified by what they found. If you have “outsourced” this vital function, you have lost control and influence. Somebody else is screening your key people, training them, instilling a “culture” on them that is not your own. In my mind, the outsourcing of Customer Support is one of the biggest blunders Corporations have made.

So pick up the phone, answer voicemails, and talk to people. This one trait won’t get you to the top, but it is key characteristic of successful people.

Gary Seidel
Point ONE Commercial Real Estate
Email: realestate@agencynet.us


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